Fields of Law

Here you will find an overview of the fields of law we practice.

Our Specializations

General Business Law
Business disputes are best avoided by careful negotiation of business contracts. Solid, well-crafted documents that are fully understood and agreed to by all parties contribute to a sound business relationship. Our approach to such fundamentals strives to avoid the expense and disruption of litigation.

Fierman Law is recognized for its experience in general business litigation, having represented companies as plaintiffs and defendants. Fierman works to resolve disputes outside the courtroom to ensure equitable settlements that avoid expensive litigation, all the while protecting the interests of its clients. However, if common ground cannot be found, Fierman will aggressively pursues justice for its clients and is highly regarded for its litigation skills.

Debt Recovery

Fierman Law is respected for its rich experience in commercial and consumer debt recovery. We can navigate the paths through the minefields of federal, state and local laws and regulations that can enhance the recovery of debts owed our clients. We strive to attain the maximum amount owed our clients in a timely fashion. While we try to avoid litigation whenever possible, we do not hesitate to initiate it.

Commercial/Residential Real Estate
Fierman Law represents developers, brokers, lenders, buyers, sellers, landlords, and tenants. We deliver the legal services you need to develop, negotiate, buy, sell, or finance a commercial or residential real estate transaction. We also can provide representation in negotiating leases and, if necessary, troublesome landlord/tenant situations.

Construction Law
We provide legal representation in all aspects of construction law: to subcontractors, general contractors, designers and owners, including but not limited to: consultation, mechanic lien law, surety and bond law, contract documents, alternative dispute resolution and litigation.

Estates & Probates
Fierman has assisted many families through probate and distributing the assets to heirs. We diligently work to expedite the process so that those left behind can cherish the good memories and not be distracted by the legal aspects of a relative's end of life. With compassion and understanding, we manage the probate process while you reach closure. In the rare event there is a dispute among the heirs, we work to find a resolution and, if necessary, engage in litigation to protect the interests of our client.

Additional Legal Services

Fierman Law is experienced in many other areas of law including asset purchases and sales and small business acquisitions and mergers. We have guided countless clients through the complexities of selling their business as they retire or growing their business through acquisition or merger.

Furthermore, we represent clients in various types of tort litigation, both intentional and negligent. Our litigation experience works to deliver a favorable outcome for our clients.